Aptent tincidunt lobortis eveniet! Molestie accusamus qui magna, consequatur posuere, sociosqu phasellus, nam sit dis fuga nemo eu, per duis vestibulum eveniet exercitationem assumenda, totam.
On that day, Marilyn lost her husband. Left with a daughter to raise and no idea of what to do next, she set her sights on owning a restaurant. She wanted to sell homemade pasta and ice cream in New York.
She had no idea how to begin.
Then she ran into Steve . Steve was young, ambitious, and wanted to help. He committed to helping Marilyn find a path to owning a successful restaurant, to provide for herself and her daughter, particularly her daughter’s college tuition.
Marilyn had only a little in her savings account and no business plan. Banks were polite, but each one turned her down because she had no documentation to show her plans and how they would succeed.
She and Steve met Burney <last name>, a banker from the City who wanted to help Marilyn get her business up and running.
The three of them put together an amazing business plan. Marilyn got her funding in just a couple of weeks.
Steve and Burney saw there was a need for startups and small- and medium-sized businesses that would benefit from a professional, formal business plan.
Whether the business is just starting out or needs to get “serious” to get funding to move to the next level, we’re ready to help.
We know how to speak to the banks, the SBA, and investors to get their interest.
You usually can’t get funds, especially from the banks or the Small Business Administration, if you’re on the edge of bankruptcy or have already filed. Since Steve&Burns couldn’t help getting funding right away for their clients, they figured they’d help by making the bankruptcy less painful and less destructive to the person’s future.
Sadly, divorce is far too common in our culture, but it’s a reality for many of us. Steve and Burney saw people entering deals that didn’t benefit anyone but the lawyers. They had custody agreements that were bad for the kids and the parents. Child support and alimony that had someone paying too much or someone receiving too little. Steve&Burns helps you make the right decisions, the ones that are as fair as possible to everyone.
Let the team at Steve&Burns help you start, grow, and preserve the life you want.
We’re here for you.
We know how to get the funding you need and even help you out of some of life’s most difficult situations with as much of your world intact as possible.